Bryce Porker

Regional Coordinator (SA)
Bryce grew up in country Victoria before following his passion for the ocean and moving to the NSW north coast to complete an Applied Science degree. Bryce completed a double major in Marine Science and Fisheries and Aquaculture Management. One of his research projects included building a commercial and R&D aquaponics facility. This resulted in a full-time farm manager position within the Barramundi industry; a position he kept for 3 years.
Bryce later gained employment as the pond manager at the prestigious Cawthron Institute, New Zealand. He was responsible for managing five different commercial shellfish species used in commercial research. His responsibilities included managing water quality, algae production, and shellfish health. This led a position in commercialising a land-based pacific oyster nursery system with Moana, at the Cawthron Aquaculture Park in Nelson, New Zealand.
After four years with Moana, and substantial growth in their spat nursery production, Bryce made the move back to Australia to take up the Operations Management position with Eyre Shellfish. The two years at Eyre Shellfish gave Bryce great insight into the South Australian (SA) oyster industry and the growing conditions of each major growing location across SA. Bryce has now joined the ASI team to Coordinate the SA survivorship trials for the breeding program. Experience in hatchery operations, nursery operations and farm grow out with help provide a great foundation for this role.